Relational identity

Grenada reflects on opportunities for individual and collective growth
by Fabio Marzari

No Man is an Island unhinges the certainties of single thinking, invoking contamination as an approach to the world and to art.

The Caribbean Island of Grenada produced No Man Is an Island, their National Pavilion exhibition at the Biennale curated by Daniele Radini Tedeschi and featuring art by Frederika Adam, Breakfast, Jason deCaires Taylor, Antonello Diodato Guardigli (ADGART), Alma Fakhre, Suelin Low Chew Tung, Gabriele Maquignaz, Lorenzo Marini, Benaiah Matheson, The Perceptive Group, Nello Petrucci.

The exhibition is all about relations as the essential substratum of individual and collective growth. The peculiar Grenadian territory is taken as a metaphor of the layering of different cultures, times, wounds of a present that is able to embrace history and lose itself in a plurality of languages, laws, and domains.


Featured image: Jason deCaires Taylor, Wild Water 2022. Courtesy the Artist. © Jason deCaires Taylor


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia