

La Fenice in Piazza San Marco
13 July 2024
alle 21:00

On the centenary of Giacomo Puccini’s death, the Fondazione Teatro La Fenice will pay homage to the composer from Lucca with a grand concert in Piazza San Marco, Omaggi a Puccini dal mondo (Homages to Puccini from around the world), scheduled for Saturday 13 July . Conductor James Conlon at the head of the Orchestra and Chorus of the Teatro La Fenice, with Alfonso Caiani maestro del Coro, soprano Selene Zanetti, tenor Francesco Demuro and pianist Alexander Malofeev will be the performers of a musical programme composed of pages by Wagner, Ravel, Gershwin, Verdi and Puccini himself. The 100th anniversary of Giacomo Puccini’s death is an occasion to celebrate the life and art of one of the most beloved composers in history. His works, with their extraordinary emotional intensity, are still able to enrapture the spectator today thanks to the intelligence of their harmonies and the beauty of their melodies, and continue to enchant entire generations of opera lovers, with the increasingly rare merit, among other things, of bringing together opera neophytes and connoisseurs. In the programme of the Fenice concert in St. Mark’s Square – already in itself, for the setting that will host the event, of strong emotional intensity – excellent interpreters, specialists in this repertoire, will retrace some of the pages of its catalogue, alternating Puccini pieces with pages by other composers, in some way linked, for influences and exchanges, to the Tuscan composer.

Featured image: © Roberto Moro


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