All is One

Michele Di Stefano and Amir ElSaffar together for "Maqam"
by Loris Casadei

Michele Di Stefano’s MK group on stage at the Goldoni Theater with Maqam, an innovative creation by the choreographer, who was previously awarded the Silver Lion for Dance at the 2014 Venice Biennale.

Theatre programme Asteroide Amor, now at its second edition, won’t stop surprising us. Its upcoming show Maqam, by choreographer Michele Di Stefano, is a show on the perceptual power of dance towards other bodies and the environment. The Arab word behind the term maqam has multiple meanings: it is both a melodic scale as well as a technique of musical improvisation and a Sufi spiritual practice.

Maqam, Michele Di Stefano, ph: Andrea Macchia

Accompanying Di Stefano on stage at Goldoni Theatre on November 22 is Amir ElSaffar, a vocalist and woodwind instrumentalist. The two met thanks to Bianchi Hoesch Lorenzo, a sound composer and engineer. All artists are well known in the Biennale circles. Michele Di Stefano was awarded the Silver Lion in 2014 for his innovative contributions to dance. I wouldn’t want to miss the show because, in Michele’s words, “Amir became a real star of international jazz. He lives in America, and to see him in Europe becomes harder by the day.”

Asteroide Amor 2023

Susanne Franco and Annalisa Sacchi speak about the Asteroid Amor theatre season


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia