

The Treatise
26 November 2023
alle 20:30

In the first part of the concert, Fabrizio Ottaviucci presents a piano reading of ‘The Treatise’ by the English composer Cornelius Cardew. The score consists of 193 pages of high quality graphics, an art in which the composer was highly skilled. The operation consists in bringing back into the sound and performance dimension a free, individual, unique interpretative logic plan, subject to the mutability of the moment that arises from the study of the score, its graphics, relations, visual impulses. In the performance the first twenty pages will be ‘read’. In the second part, the MusiCafoscari Ensemble will present, together with Maestro Ottaviucci, an improvisational section that will be the result of two days of work in the University’s improvisation workshop. “The Treatise” remains a work of great interest not only for its extremely high graphic quality, but also for the situation it creates: its reading, however, conditions its interpreter, even if in an indeterminate way (does it not often happen in life, too, when you see a face, meet someone and start talking to them?). Then Cardew concluded that no score should constrain his interpretation and switched to ‘free improvisation’. This is different from an indeterminate composition, since it has no score. In the evening we will have both situations.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia