School of Immersive Arts

The Center for the Expanded Moving Image opens in San Servolo
by Redazione VeNews
  • monday, 2 september 2024

The Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Rome, in collaboration with the Veneto Region, has established a film school on the island of San Servolo in Venice, dedicated to immersive arts.
“The Center for the Expanded Moving Image will become a true hub for the region, as it will actively collaborate with local entities and organizations,” stated Adriano De Santis, director of the CSC. “San Servolo will be a home for everyone, not just a center for virtual reality but also encompassing other sectors and initiatives related to cinema, such as acting and training. It’s a project with a broad scope.”
“The very first activities will begin on September 9th,” explained Sara Tirelli, head coordinator of Immersive Arts, “with a workshop that will create a strong connection between Venice and immersive arts. We are in a historical moment similar to when the Lumière brothers invented cinema because the developments in immersive reality are still evolving. After that, we’ll launch a one-year master’s program designed as a residency to foster a creative approach to technology.”

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