Based on the book Separated: Inside an American Tragedy, which earned author Jacob Soboroff the Walter Cronkite Award in 2019, the documentary reconstructs the story of immigrant family separations, particularly between parents and children, enforced by the Trump admi...
A tragedy. The separation of family on the border between the United States and Mexico, with kids being taken away from their parents, is one of the themes in Separated, Errol Morris’ latest film, presented Out of Competition. What the film will show us is one of the (far too many) instances of collateral damage that follow emigration and racism, maybe considered less urgent than what happens every day in the Mediterranean, though by no means less excruciating and sad.
Former US President Donald Trump upheld this horrible, devastating policy for years, in dubious connection with the murders perpetrated by the border police, who killed people who were trying to illegaly cross the border.
On top of this tragedy, says director Errol Morris, families are broken, children are taken from their mothers, whole families are torn to pieces from a psychological, though not only, point of view. A must-see, gut-wrenching docu-film.