ANIMA di Noémie Goudal e Maëlle Poésy - © Vincent Arbelet


51. Biennale Teatro – Emerald
23 June 2023


24 June 2023
alle 21:30

Four anime (‘souls’) united, though never overlaid, bring to life a new immersive installation/performance that is one of a kind. Born of a collaboration between director, author, and actress Maëlle Poésy and visual artist Noémie Goudal, staged by performer, acrobat, and circus artist Chloé Moglia with sound by Chloé Thévenin, Anima is an art experiment that took inspiration from palaeoclimatology and reflects upon our planet and the changes that are disrupting it.

23, 24 June h. 9.30pm
Parco Albanese (Bissuola), Mestre



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia