

28 May 2023
alle 20:30

Unedited spring edition for the Baldassare Places – Galuppi and Music Festival, which this year celebrates its thirtieth edition. Eleven concerts, with highly renowned performers and the collaboration of the Conservatories of Venice and Bologna, which touch three symbolic places of the city: the Teatro La Fenice, the church and the Scuola Grande di San Rocco. The leitmotif of the event, created to commemorate the famous composer Baldassare Galuppi, known as Buranello, born in 1706, will be “the sacred in music”. The calendar of the review offers various insights into instrumental and chamber music, Opera Buffa of the eighteenth century, and then again some segments that have always formed the backbone of the event: the Sections, Rare Instruments, International Collaborations, Unpublished Manuscripts, Centenarians, Prize Winners international and Green Line, the latter dedicated to young concert artists. On Sunday 28 May, the “L’Orfeo” Cultural Association presents Io Caterina, Serva e Schiava dei Servants of Jesus Christ, an original and unedited set-up in a semi-scenic form, inspired by the figure of Saint Catherine of Siena. The show was created as a mixture of prose and music in which three actors interpret some salient moments in the life of this immense mystic while a small baroque ensemble with two singers intersperses pieces and duets of ancient sacred music. A predominantly “feminine” show in the sense that in addition to the protagonist, who is a woman of extremely high spirituality and mysticism, many of the pieces of music inserted were composed by extremely cultured and refined musician nuns of the 1600s. The theatrical pièce comes from a long study on the character, on the letters and on the great mysticism and total adherence to her “Jesus Christ” who is in constant communication with her. The musical parts come from manuscripts found in music libraries and transcribed for the occasion.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia