

1 December 2024


7 January 2025

Original, modern Venetian style, with touches of architecture, fashion, art, and design blending together in an avant-garde mix that made the Venice Venice hotel the hottest spot in town. Its metropolitan, or in their words “post-Venetian” vision, are essential to clear a pathway for the Venice of the future, though one we can fully experience today. Unmistakable in philosophy and offer, the hotel’s boutique carries unique pieces of design and fashion that, in this season, turn it into a beautiful Christmas Market. A Christmas tree forest and beautiful lighting give life to the palace’s inner yard for a warm and welcoming visit. On December 15, have Sunday brunch at the Venice Venice Hotel Christmas M’Art. On December 19, at 8:30pm, à la carte dinner with gospel and piano concert. On Christmas Day, a night concert with the Venice Bitter Band and their Christmas standards.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia