

Registri. Arte dei suoni per l’organo di San Servolo
27 October 2023
alle 18:00

After last year’s success, Registri. Art of Sounds for the San Servolo Organ, an international review of sound experimentation for organ and electronics, this year even more significant given the concomitant presence of a Music Biennale investigating similar expressive scenarios. The invited organists will reside for a week on the Island to prepare an ad hoc musical program, developed through intensive research into the characteristics of Nachini’s instrument. The artists will have the opportunity to explore in depth the instrument’s register combinations, the acoustic conditions peculiar to the Church of San Servolo, and the possibilities of electronics designed specifically for this sound environment. The result of the work carried out during the residency, each concert blends experimentation, echoes of the ancient Venetian repertoire and contemporary practices in an unrepeatable way. The third proposal stems from the Lauren Redhead (organ) and Alistair Zaldua (electronics) residency: their research at San Servolo is dedicated to the performance of works from the contemporary British repertoire and a major work by contemporary Swiss composer Annette Schmucki.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia