

9 April 2023
alle 16:30

Easter concert in the company of the Libera Cantoria Pisani: Free from all constraints other than the pleasure of choral singing, the Libera Cantoria Pisani sings lightness. The choir prefers a capella singing, from Gregorian chant to Renaissance polyphony; promotes today’s music and incites tomorrow’s music; loves to deviate on obsolete paths, also creating synergies with the visual arts, theater and dance. In addition to the national territory, the choir has performed in Iceland, Spain, England and Germany.
The LCP boasts collaborations with important Italian and foreign composers and is directed by Filippo Furlan: a pupil of Giulio Cattin at the University of Padua, Filippo Furlan is a freelancer in the entertainment management sector, cultural promoter, musical consultant for public bodies, cultural associations and theater companies. He has been the artistic director of the Libera Cantoria Pisani since 1998. Formerly musical director of the International Festival “Marvelous Sound Project” – Villa di Montruglio, since 2018 he has been the artistic director of Palazzo del Monte and the Monte di Pietà Foundation in Vicenza.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia