

21 January 2024
alle 18:30

The 2024 season of the Candiani Centre starts again with the music of Candiani Groove, organised by the Culture Sector of the Venice City Council with the artistic direction of Veneto Jazz, for a new programme in the sign of jazz, world music and the contamination of languages. First up on the Auditorium stage is the Loccisano – De Carolis Duo with special guest Carmelo Coglitore in a concert that will express all the sonic and evocative potential of a traditional instrument: the chitarra battente (ten-string guitar). A project that represents the avant-garde of the chitarra battente, with which they explore new frontiers of guitar dialogue that starts in the South and reaches the whole world thanks to their wide dynamic range and mixture of southern sound, poetry, composition and contemporaneity. They have recently performed at numerous festivals and received numerous awards. They were included in the Official Selection Of Showcase Artists of the prestigious Womex 23, the world’s largest music expo hosting the best international musical and cultural diversity.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia