

Il filo di Fauré
16 May 2024
alle 19:30

Artists from the Académie de l’Opéra national in Paris perform mélodies by Fauré and his students, for a concert filmed at the Amphithéâtre Olivier Messiaen of the Opéra Bastille in Paris. The role of a composition teacher at the Conservatoire was to prepare his students for the Prix de Rome music composition competition, the main test of which consisted of writing a cantata to an imposed libretto; in other words, Fauré was the first to introduce these young musicians to vocal composition. Coming from the undisputed master of the French mélodie, this teaching was valuable and fruitful. For the second year of collaboration with the Académie de l’Opéra national de Paris, the Palazzetto Bru Zane proposed that the artists examine the repertoire of mélodies by Gabriel Fauré and his pupils in order to find in it, if not a direct filiation, at least the same concern to expose poetry sublimated by musical writing. Concert followed by a toast.