

Connecting People and Ocean
7 June 2024

In the framework of SEA BEYOND, Prada Group and UNESCO-IOC will host the Ocean Literacy World Conference in Venice, under the aegis of the Venice Municipality and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The two-day-event brings together key institutional actors (UNESCO Member States delegates and field experts) from across the globe responsible for designing, implementing, and supporting ocean literacy initiatives in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. The event represents a preliminary step before the 3rd UN Ocean Conference co-hosted by governments of France and Costa Rica that will take place in June 2025 in Nice, France.

Moreover, starting from Saturday, May 25, a selection of Venetian ateliers will bring to life the Atelier Aperti Bleu initiative. United by a symbolic fil bleu, the ateliers will display a spool of regenerated nylon ECONYL®, the yarn used in the Prada Re-Nylon collection that supports the SEA BEYOND project.

Among the public events, we highlight:

-June 7, 7:30-8:15 PM @ Cinema Rossini
Premiere of the documentary Asilo della Laguna, dedicated to the cycle of outdoor lessons conducted by UNESCO-IOC experts and pedagogists in partnership with Prada Group in the framework of SEA BEYOND.
-June 8, from 2:30 PM @ Ca’ Giustinian
The public is invited to interact with the SEA BEYOND Ideas Box by participating in free thematic workshops conducted by the SEA BEYONDers.




Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia