Shaping the City Venice 2021_8 © Federico Vespignani


A Forum for Sustainable Cities and Communities
24 November 2023


25 November 2023

Shaping the City is a forum organized by the European Cultural Centre – Italy as part of the public programming of the ECC Venice Architecture Biennial Exhibition titled Time Space Existence. The forum tackles contemporary urbanization and key issues in the city, presented and debated through the perspectives of a group of academics, urban planners and designers, architects, policy makers, and scholars. Through diverse presentations and panel discussions, the forum confronts the fundamental topics of shaping the cities in the world.

This project is conceived to exchange ideas about the urban future of cities. The evolving discussions recognize the significant role urban planning and design play in molding the interaction of people with their cities and their wellbeing. The forum sets forward new thoughts around the rights to the city, through a spatial, pragmatic, yet inclusive and sustainable approach.

After the Chicago and New Orleans dates, the new chapter of Shaping the City will take place on November 24th and 25th in Venice at Palazzo Michiel del Brusà and will also be available online on ECC Italy’s YouTube channel.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia