

Stagione Lirica 2024-2025
19 October 2024
alle 19:30

It will be Ute Lemper, with a journey through 45 successful years of her life, to inaugurate the new season of the Toniolo Theatre on 19 October. The appointment at the Toniolo Theatre for the inaugural Gala of the 2024.25 Season, organised by the Culture Sector of the Venice City Council, is set for Saturday 19 October at 7.30 p.m. with one of the most iconic and versatile artists of our times. Accompanied on piano by Vana Gierig, Giuseppe Bassi on double bass and Mimmo Campanale on drums, at the Toniolo she will present Time traveller, a special project to celebrate her 60th birthday and the milestones of an artistic life – 45 years – told through the stories and songs from the stages she has trodden during her creative journey. To attend the event, with free admission, reservations are compulsory at www.vivaticket.com from 5 October. Dark clothes are appreciated.

Foto in evidenza: Guido Harari
di Redazione VeNews


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia