Xabier Iriondo (guitarist of Afterhours, Six Minute War Madness, Buñuel) presents a live between performance and concert, using self-built instruments such as the Mahai Metak, a 10-string chordophone. Snare Drum Exorcism, from an idea by Franz Valente (Teatro degli Orrori, Buñuel), revolves around the exploration of the tonal variety of percussion instruments, in an essential set. The two artists will perform solo and then in a final duet. Francesca Morello, aka R.Y.F., works with guitars, synthesizers, drum machines, in an irresistible combination of electroclash and punk. A radical blend of joy and anger, carrying forward an ideal of queer and feminist subversion. Saturday 14, at 10:30, the experience is completed by a musical workshop with Iriondo himself, with free admission upon reservation required.