15 December 2023


18 February 2024

You can get lost and find back your way in a dreamlike, extraordinary Venice thanks to the colours and atmospheres by Davide Battistin (b. Venice, 1970). Battistin earned fame in the art world for his refined idylls, so close to the real sentiment Venetians have for their city. With Genesis, the artist takes a step forward and looks back to the origins of Venice, to the marshy waters and shallow islets that propelled Venetians to conquer the world. In the words of Ian Warrel, the artist “never fearing the potentially oppressive weight of visual descriptions of Venice, uses his art to extract the essence of the matter itself Venice is made of, showing in light and colour the bright creative spark of a people that enlightened the world for a thousand years.”



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia