Inside | Outside
16 September 2023


19 November 2023

«I was an abstract painter, but my love of the visible world compelled me to portray it in other work, which I kept separate. Abstraction didn’t satisfy my delight in seeing. Alternatively, I couldn’t simply paint the world the way it appears to me, glorious though it is, as a single reality. Eventually I came to realize that this duality was not a dilemma, but was in fact my subject matter.
A different kind of resolution could come from layering different ways of imagining reality rather than reconciling them. I gradually developed my present method on painting of layers of trans- parent acrylic sheets. These sheets enable me to juxtapose elements of visual material either in discrete layers or more intuitively so that passag- es float upward toward the surface influencing successive layers of paint».



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia