17 April 2024


24 November 2024

Nebula, a Latin word meaning “cloud” or “mist,” is a collective exhibition curated by Alessandro Rabottini and Leonardo Bigazzi and produced by the Fondazione In Between Art Film. It delves into states of vision and extra-visual perception through eight new video installations conceived in close structural, visual, and auditory dialogue with the architecture of the Ospedaletto complex.
The concept is inspired by the phenomenon of fog as a material and metaphorical space in which visual orientation is reduced and alternative sensory tools are necessary to understand our surroundings. The pieces on show embrace forms of psychological, socio-political, technological, and historical fragmentation, suggesting possible modes of navigation in a present traversed by forces that, like fog, seem immaterial and insurmountable.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia