A plurality of contributions and perspectives offers an in-depth reflection on contemporary sculpture, curated by Chiara Ianeselli. Through the works of Igor Eškinja, Fondazione Malutta, Luciana Lamothe, Marie Lelouche, Marcos Lutyens, Davide Sgambaro, Michele Spanghero, and Esther Stocker, one of the distinctive features of Galleria Alberta Pane’s conceptual research emerges clearly: a focus on sculptural and installation-based works that engage in a dynamic dialogue with space and the viewer, triggering a virtuous process of interaction.
The site-specific installation by the Fondazione Malutta collective in the gallery’s long entrance corridor establishes a conversation with Igor Eškinja’s photographs and Esther Stocker’s paintings, as well as with Luciana Lamothe’s videos and drawings, presented alongside Michele Spanghero’s sound piece. Also featured are Marcos Lutyens’ steel sculptures accompanied by hypnotic induction, Marie Lelouche’s synesthetic works, and an ephemeral sculptural trace by Davide Sgambaro.
The exhibition follows the marks, traces, echoes, and shadows generated by different sculptural forms – videos, drawings, photographs, paintings –which, in defining a new spatial dimension, use three-dimensionality as a fundamental conceptual reference.