A house at the end of the world

Everyday War by Yuan Goang-Ming, blending cinema and video art
by Redazione VeNews

The Taiwanese artist focuses on everyday objects to convey the widespread unease caused by a constant sense of precariousness and increasingly unsettling war scenarios.

The exhibition includes six works – five videos and one kinetic installation – by Yuan Goang-Ming, a Taiwanese artist considered the forerunner of a new expressive form halfway between cinema and video art, known for using video cameras he himself has made. In Everyday War, Yuan focuses on everyday objects to convey the widespread discomfort caused by a constant feeling of precariousness and by more and more disturbing scenarios of war. Despite the shadows looming over the world, the artist believes in the persistence of an innate desire in humans, which drives them to seek “a realm of freedom, an exclusive place in wild nature, where the essence of an individual can peacefully coexist with immutable freedom.”


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia