I dance alone

Mounira Al Solh's tribute to the cultural heritage of the Phoenicians
by Marisa Santin

Revisiting the myth of Zeus, which has roots in the history of the Phoenicians, ancestors of today’s Lebanese people, Mounira Al Solh (born 1978, Beirut) juxtaposes the present and legend in an unexpected way, addressing themes of gender and empowerment.

On a beach in Tyre, Zeus takes the form of a white bull to seduce the beautiful princess Europa and deceitfully carry her to Crete shores, where he unites with her. In A Dance With Her Myth, Mounira Al Solh (Beirut, 1978) goes back to the mythology of the ancient Phoenicians, connecting the present to the legend in an unexpected way and proposing an alternative or even inverted interpretation that allows for critical distance and humour. The installation unfolds within an immersive environment, built around a boat representing gender equality, an unfinished structure embodying the ongoing journey towards empowerment. Visitors move among paintings and graphic works that mark social norms still limiting women’s freedom today, and masks symbolizing the conservative forces hindering the achievement of true female emancipation.

Through the example of the Phoenician princess Europa, whom the artist ultimately rescues from her plight, Mounira Al Solh uses myth to comment on the fate imposed on women and their capacity for resilience, while also paying tribute to the richness of this millennia-old and ever-living cultural heritage. The exploration of Europa’s myth, which the artist invites us to take part in, contributes to the fulfillment of a female destiny freed from gods’ interference, which in modern times translates into a journey towards gender balance and equality. Utilizing mythology to comment on the fate imposed on women and their capacity for resilience, Mounira Al Solh also pays tribute to the richness of Lebanese millennia-old and ever-living cultural heritage.

Featured image: Courtesy La Biennale di Venezia – Photo Andrea Avezzù


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia