Radiance: They Dream In Time
Naumo Juliana Akoryo
Shaheen Merali
Acaye Kerunen, Collin Sekajugo

By breaking down functional materials and using artisanal creations, Acaye Kerunen gives art back its narrative function. Her attention is focused on the work of women, the guardians of territory, and their work’s value in safeguarding the climate and the ecosystem. Collin Sekajugo refers to popular culture as he manipulates everyday images to reveal inherent prejudice due to western vision, all while highlighting the anthropological inversion of prevalent modern culture. His language is purposefully disrespectful and very African – resulting in theatre-like art experience.
Both artists, long active members of art institutions, think tanks and design centers in the vibrant cultural environment of the capital Kampala, bring a perspective of post-independence Uganda, for the first participation of the country in the Venice Art Biennale.