Padiglione Bosnia-Erzegovina Biennale Arte 2024
The Measure of the Sea


Marin Ivanović


Marin Ivanović


Stjepan Skoko

20 aprile 2024 - 24 novembre 2024

Which criteria do we need to understand the layered meaning of the sea, its depth and vastness, its symbolism, and its impact on civilization and individuals? Stjepan Skoko’s project, which stems from the innate human need to understand the world through categorizations and measurements, presents square sections of blue-painted aluminum with elements covered in rust or sandblasted raw aluminum, reminding of nautical charts dials. Another sculptural group reproduces an underwater environment with iron elements forged in a traditional smithy in Kreševo, a city in central Bosnia and Herzegovina, thus symbolically connecting land and sea.


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