Padiglione Francia Biennale Arte 2024
Attila cataracte ta source aux pieds des pitons verts finira dans la grande mer gouffre bleu nous noyâmes dans les larmes marées de la lune


Institut français on behalf of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture


Céline Kopp, Cindy Sissokho


Julien Creuzet

20 aprile 2024 - 24 novembre 2024

Openness and desire for dialogue are the distinctive traits of Julien Creuzet’s career, called upon to represent France at the Biennale dedicated to the Global South. The Franco-Caribbean artist (born in 1986 in Le Blanc-Mesnil, France; raised in Martinique) turns the Pavilion into a space irrigated by fluids that reveals a collective imaginary populated by divine presences recalled by the title-poem. This complex and sensory environment makes place to videos, sculptures, musical sequences, and olfactory stimulations, inviting visitors to experience “togetherness”.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia