Padiglione Grecia Biennale Arte 2024


EΜΣΤ | Νational Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens; Katerina Gregos, artistic director


Panos Giannikopoulos


Kostas Chaikalis, Thanassis Deligiannis, Elia Kalogianni, Yorgos Kyvernitis, Yannis Michalopoulos, Fotis Sagonas

20 aprile 2024 - 24 novembre 2024

A machine for agricultural irrigation is placed at the center of the exhibition, and its activation triggers a musical rhythm that explores the political conception of sound and the impact of technology on rural landscapes. Based on the idea of water shortage alternating with water abundance, a representation of the “panighìri,” traditional village festivals typical of the Xiròmero region, is put on stage. A juxtaposition between global and local experiences conveys information about the perception of time within the community, marked by planting, irrigation, and harvest phases.


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