Padiglione Paesi Bassi Biennale Arte 2024
The International Celebration of Blasphemy and the Sacred


Mondriaan Fund


Hicham Khalidi in collaborazione con Renzo Martens


Cercle d’Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise (CATPC): Djonga Bismar, Alphonse Bukumba, Irène Kanga, Muyaka Kapasa, Matthieu Kasiama, Jean Kawata, Huguette Kilembi, Mbuku Kimpala, Athanas Kindendi, ⁠Felicien Kisiata, Charles Leba, Philomène Lembusa, Richard Leta, Jérémie Mabiala, Plamedi Makongote, Blaise Mandefu, Daniel Manenga, Mira Meya, Emery Muhamba, Tantine Mukundu, Olele Mulela, Daniel Muvunzi, René Ngongo, Alvers Tamasala, Ced’art Tamasala

20 aprile 2024 - 24 novembre 2024

Not only art, but also ethics, economics, and spirituality characterize the project of the collective Cercle d’Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise (CATPC), which aims to free and regenerate the cultivation in Lusanga, Congo – where the first plantation of the Anglo-Dutch company Unilever was established – transforming it into a kind of sacred forest. These lands, once covered by lush rainforests, are now impoverished and unable to sustain the communities living there. Each artwork on display has been created with the last fragments of the forest carrying with them the seeds needed to give new life to the land.


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia