Proiezione ufficiale

  • friday, 8 september 2023
Sala Corinto
di Agnès Varda
con Catherine Deneuve, Michel Piccoli, Eva Dahlbeck

(1966, Francia, 94')

Restauro Ciné Tamaris, CNC con il supporto di SHE ECHOES e Chanel

A love of few words on an island of few words. Edgar is an author married to Mylène. He walks around his estate, wondering what the villagers are up to and trying for some inspiration for his next novel. His fantasies will end up in a chess game where the pieces are the ‘creature’ of his mind.
Convictions and love, fiction and reality – Agnès Varda once wintered on an island, and it was there that she wrote the screenplay for this film. The filmmaker gives space to her more experimental attitude in this sci-fi drama that had little success. Varda frequently lamented her work, regretting how she didn’t dare enough.

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