Proiezione ufficiale

  • thursday, 7 september 2023
Sala Corinto
di Amir Naderi
con Masoud Gudarzi, Mehdi Javadi, Shahla Darvishi

(1974, Iran, 76')

Restauro Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young adults – KANOON, Roashana Laboratory

Iran, late 1900s. The country faces a coup first, an autocratic government later, then so-called ‘White Revolution’, then rapid modernization that was supposed to give Iran the ability to compete with other countries in the world markets.
Amir Naderi, an important filmmaker of the New Iranian Cinema who expatriated to New York, sees a chance to tell these momentous changes in the history of his country in form of a children’s story and a curious object none of them seems to have seen before: a harmonica. The exotic instrument will mediate friendships and engender conflict, games of power, and fight for privilege.

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