Proiezione ufficiale

  • friday, 8 september 2023
Sala Corinto
Tini zabutykh predkiv
di Sergei Parajanov
con Ivan Mykolaichuk, Larysa Kadochnykova, Tatyana Bestayeva

(1965, Ucraina, 99')

Restauro Oleksandr Dovzhenko National Centre

Mesmerizing images, acid colours, realism and surrealism, narration and poetry, sacredness and mundanity are but words to try and describe Sergei Paradjanov’s cinema. The Armenian filmmaker is a recognized maestro. Godard once said of him: “In the temple of cinema there are images, light and reality. Sergei Paradjanov was the master of that temple…”
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors acts as a transition from Parajanov’s early Soviet cinema to the style that will consecrate him to cult status. The film shows two love stories, two deaths, folk magic, and old Soviet realism.

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