Proiezione ufficiale

  • monday, 4 september 2023
Sala Corinto
di William Friedkin
con Ellen Burstyn, Max von Sydow, Linda Blair

(1973, USA, 132')

Restauro Warner Bros.

The realism of possession (the preternatural phenomena, the vomiting, the obscenities) is the most evident aspect but not the heart of The Exorcist: it is not a horror film but a film about pain. Before bursting into Regan’s body, hell is already in human suffering (the homeless man, the senile mother, the mad women); and the devil’s purpose is to convince us that God does not love us. The legends of deaths on set or among those involved are urban myths; it is true, however, that various disputes arose, primarily the one between William Friedkin and the screenwriter-producer Peter Blatty over the cuts made to the initial 140-minute edit. But the film, in its re-releases, is gradually returning to that original version.

di Giorgio Placereani

His cult classic The Exorcist and his last film scheduled for the Festival

Friedkin's The Exorcist, when horror is pain

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