Proiezione ufficiale

  • friday, 1 september 2023
Sala Grande
di Wes Anderson
con Ralph Fiennes, Benedict Cumberbatch, Dev Patel, Ben Kingsley, Richard Ayoade

(2023, USA, 39')

Londoner Henry Sugar (Cumberbatch) is a well-to-do man with an unfettered passion for gambling and risk. Having learned of an Indian man who can ‘see without using his eyes’, Sugar will set off to find a book about this technique—certainly driven by more than a simple thirst for knowledge. Adapted from Roald Dahl’s short story of the same title, The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar is Anderson’s second adaptation of a story by Dahl, who in this film is also a character played by Ralph Fiennes.

Wes Anderson

Born in Houston, Texas, in 1969, Wes Anderson is one of the most meaningful filmmakers in his generation. His unique visionary, artistic style makes every film of his distinguishable at first sight ever since his very first picture, Rushmore of 1998. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) and Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) earned Anderson Oscar nominations and public appreciation. The latter film was awarded a Silver Lion at Berlin. Anderson first participated in the Venice Film Festival with The Darjeeling Limited in 2007, and in 2018 he submitted a documentary on feature film The Isle of Dogs in the VR section. The filmmaker will receive the Cartier Glory to the Filmmaker Award upon presentation of The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, which will be distributed on Netflix starting October 13. In September, his upcoming Asteroid City is set for theatrical release. The picture is set in 1950s America and passed at Cannes last May.

  • The version of...

The wonderful story of Henry Sugar, the book from which the film by Wes Anderson is based

  • Director's Cut
  • Limelight


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di Venezia


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di Venezia