MAHKU (Movimento dos Artistas Huni Kuin)

BORN Kaxinawá (Huni Kuin) Indigenous Territory, Acre, Brazil, 2013
LIVES&WORKS Kaxinawá (Huni Kuin) Indigenous Territory, Brazil

“I sell canvas, I buy land” is the motto of the MAHKU collective, artists from the Huni Kuin ethnic group living in the Amazon region between Peru and Brazil: they sell their work, created under the influence of ayahuasca, to buy land around their village in order to protect it from deforestation. They were commissioned to create a large mural on the façade of the Giardini della Biennale. Meanwhile, their home region was struck by severe flooding in early March 2024.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia