1904, Chenecey-Buillon, France
1987, Mexico City, Mexico

Initially Alice Rahon finds her artistic expression through poetry, influenced by the surrealist style of her first husband Wolfgang Paalen, with whom she evokes childhood, infirmity and nostalgia. Moving to Mexico, where she made friend with Frida Khalo and Diego Rivera, she began to paint first using watercolours and then oil paints, but also experimenting with other techniques, especially those related to the structure, showing the influence of Rufino Tamayo, the first to use sand and sgraffito. Her primitive, dreamlike and intensely poetic works, with a strong surrealist influence, together with those of Carlos Mérida, Gunther Gerzso and Paalen mark the beginning of abstractionism in Mexico in the 40s.


  • Poetic Invocations, MOCA – Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami, USA, 2019
  • Una surrealista en México (1939-1987), Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico, 2009
  • Exposición antológica, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, Mexico, 1986
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