

30 September 2022
alle 17:00

Eighth meeting with Cohabiting Within Wetness the third cycle of the itinerant conversations project Venice as a model for the future? programmed by Ocean Space and TBA21–Academy, with Rita Vianello, PhD in Ethnology and Social History, currently a lecturer in Anthropology and History of Popular Traditions at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice and cultural anthropologist at CNR-Ismar of Venice.

To conclude the cycle of the itinerant conversations we return to the Norther Lagoon, following anthropologist Rita Vianello along the shores and the streets inhabited by the fishermen of Burano. This island, historically linked to fishing activities, is now at the heart of the conservation activities promoted by the LIFE Vimine (Venice Integrated Management of Intertidal Environments) initiative, which positions the local communities as guardians of the ecosystem, with a fundamental role to play in the future of the lagoon and the city of Venice itself.