

13 May 2023
alle 16:30

Third appointment of the 2023 season of Asolo Musica at the Lo Squero Auditorium on the island of San Giorgio in Venice, a concert series with the artistic direction of Federico Pupo created in collaboration with the Giorgio Cini Foundation. For the concert on Saturday 13 May, a group well known to the Lo Squero audience is back on stage: the Quartetto di Venezia, “Quartet in Residence” at the Giorgio Cini Foundation since 2017, made up of Andrea Vio and Alberto Battiston, violin, Mario Paladin viola and Angelo Zanin on cello. With the concert on the agenda, the Quartetto di Venezia takes the project for the complete performance of Ludwig van Beethoven’s quartets forward by another chapter, a highly fascinating journey punctuated by chamber music moments of intense executive mastery.
At the opening of the lineup is the Quartet in E minor op. 59 no. 2 “Rasumovsky”. The composition belongs to the group of three Quartets from op.59, works of profound formal complexity dedicated to Count Andreas Rasumovsky, Russian ambassador to the court of Vienna. From the dramatic development of the Quartet op. 59 no. 2, composed in Vienna in 1806, in four movements, with the second piece in the lineup we move on to the Quartet in A major op.18 n. 5, published in 1801.
The concert concludes with the masterpiece of the Great Fugue in B flat major op. 133; originally written as the finale of String Quartet No. 13 op. 130 which Beethoven composed in Vienna in 1825 was later published as an independent composition.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia