Chapters of tomorrow

The International Critics' Week starts from the future
by Redazione VeNews
  • preview 2022

Like everything cinema, in 2022 we will see an International Critics’ Week eager to make up for lost time by not foreclosing on any audience, on the contrary, by broadening its already vast horizons. A new selection committee, new leaders of the Union, even a new musical theme to introduce the projections.

Venice International Film Critics’ Week will be making up for lost time by working hard on expanding its reach to a wider audience as well as their geographical and thematic horizons. A much anticipated new edition with new spaces, a new selection commitee, and themes devoted to inclusivity. In the words of General Delegate Beatrice Fiorentino: “We will be starting with the future, because that’s where we’re looking at. The Critics’ Week is a place of discovery. With awards dedicated to debut films and, since seven years, the SIC@
SIC programme, our mission is to always look forward.” An indipendent and parallel section of the Venice Film Festival, the SIC programme includes 7 debut films in competition and 2 special events out of competition. “After the very difficult last two years – continues Fiorentino – we instinctively felt we had to leave the hardest moments of the pandemic behind: fear, distance, darkness. The nine films of the current edition go in the opposite direction: towards light, colour, open spaces. This will take us back to an idea of commonality.”

Venice International Film Critics’ Week
31 august-10 september
Lido di Venezia

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il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia