
90th anniversary of Biennale Cinema | Conference

9 July 2022
alle 10:30

The conference, divided into two sessions, one in the morning (until 13.30) and one in the afternoon (15 – 18), will  see the participation of historians, critics and teachers to reflect on the value of the historical and cultural experience of the Venice International Film Festival, and will gather – from the voices of authoritative protagonists – personal accounts, memories and emotions of the wonderful adventure of the oldest film festival in the world. Personalities such as Natalia Aspesi, Paolo Baratta, Paolo Mereghetti, Tilda Swinton will be present, in person or in video-streaming. The greetings by the President of La Biennale, Roberto Cicutto, will be followed by the presentation – with a conversation between the Director of the Venice International Film Festival Alberto Barbera and the author – of the Italian edition of the new La Mostra Internazionale d’Arte CInematografica di Venezia 1932 – 2022 written by Professor Gian Piero Brunetta, the product of the collaboration between La Biennale and the Marsilio Editori publishing company.


1932-1922: there was and still is the Mostra del Cinema


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia