
14 July 2022
alle 18:00

On the occasion of a programme of masterclasses and talks with the artist and director Yuri Ancarani at Palazzzo Grassi, his latest work Atlantide (2021, 104’) is screened at the Teatrino.
Shot in Venice without a script, the film follows the story of Daniele, a young man who lives in Sant’Erasmo, an island in the lagoon. He lives by expedients, marginalised by his peers, who share an intense life of leisure, which is expressed in the religion of the small motorboats: a cult centered on the development of increasingly powerful engines, which transform small lagoon motorboats into dangerous racing ones. The degradation that affects the relationships, the environment and the practices of a generation adrift is observed through the eyes of the timeless landscape of Venice. The point of no return is a wacky, leftover male initiation story, violent and doomed to failure, which explodes, dragging the ghost town on a psychedelic shipwreck trip.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia