

Il filo di Fauré
13 April 2024
alle 16:30

Concert by Hawijch Elders (violin), Natanael Ferreira (viola), Aleksey Shadrin (cello) and Frank Braley (piano), in collaboration with the Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth Co-production Asolo Musica / Palazzetto Bru Zane.
Gabriel Fauré was 35 years old when he first performed his Quartet for Piano and Strings No. 1 (1880); his former pupil Georges Enesco composed a piece for the same ensemble thirty years later, at the age of 28. The affinity between the two pieces is undeniable and the Romanian composer’s gesture should undoubtedly be seen as a tribute: his Piano Quartet No. 2 will in fact be dedicated to his master. These two pieces also seem typical of a career in the early days of serious chamber music. While the string quartet had become a pinnacle reserved for composers at the height of their abilities, the piano quartet was a less exposed genre in which larger forms could be tackled with more ease.



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il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia