

Cammino quarto: from Padiglione Italia to Mose (dall’Arsenale nord)
8 October 2022
alle 18:00

A “performative” project by g. olmo stuppia (Milan 1991, lives between Venice and Palermo). The project consists in four outdoor ecowalks, within the context and aesthetics of “provincia diffusa” (a combination of suburbs landscape and small-town mentality) and its outcome, both in the Lagoon and in the Mainland, from Southern to Northern Italy.

The last chapter takes place almost entirely by boat. This walk features the most expensive public work in the world, built by the Consorzio Venezia Nuova and still the subject of enormous controversy: the Mose. The work is part of a long Italian tradition. g. olmo stuppia offers a particular interpretation of it, presenting it as a performance of the unfinished, but also as a form of ‘protection’: a barrier, both physical and mental, against the acceptance of the climatic and hydrological changes that humans have brought upon themselves. The Mose is a much-discussed reality, only partially functioning. With the extraordinary participation of engineer Giovanni Cecconi, former head of the Control Room, the flanerie will join the Celestia area to the North Arsenal on foot and a subsequent detournament by boat. The Venice Lagoon – explored from an engineering point of view – once again narrates the balance between ‘nature’ and ‘culture’ that, since the times of the Serenissima, has kept alive an ancient amphibious society in the heart of Europe.

Meeting Point: ACTV “Celestia”, Castello
Free booking required: t. 347 375 9463/3347374093


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Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia