La reprise, Milo Rau © Michiel Devijver

Milo Rau – La reprise. Histoire(s) du théâtre (I)

1 July 2022


2 July 2022

Swiss director Milo Rau presents La reprise. Histoire(s) du théâtre (I), the story of Ihsane Jarfi, a young Belgian homosexual who was killed almost for fun . Milo Rau and his four actors Sara De Bosschere, Sébastien Foucault, Johan Leysen and Tom Adjibi, with warehouseman Fabian Leenders and dog walker Suzy Cocco go on a quest to discover a capital crime, in search of the emotions underlying tragic experiences: loss and grief, truth and falsehood, disaster and fear, cruelty and terror.

July 1 h. 8:30 p.m.
July 2 h. 5 p.m.



The visionary director Milo Rau guest of the 50th Theater Biennale tells his story


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il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia