

28 February 2025
alle 18:00

The Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi hosts the Cineconcerto “Mirabili visioni dagli anni del cinema muto” (Marvellous Visions from the Years of Silent Film), curated by lecturer Marco Bertozzi and researcher Nicoletta Traversa of the IUAV University of Venice, representatives of the Venetian unit of the national research project on the landscape in silent films “Revisualizing Italian Silentscapes 1896-1922 (RevIS)”, which also involves the Universities of Turin, Padua and Rome Tor Vergata. The Cineconcert is articulated on two levels: the visual one consisting of the projection of silent films taken from early cinema and dated up to around 1922, retrieved from various film archives, and the sound one consisting of live accompaniment by the Venetian vocal-musical ensemble composed of Marco Centasso, Giovanni Mancuso and Sofia Pozdnyakova. The event, open to the public free of charge, constitutes the concluding moment of a day of studies dedicated to the theme of the Venetian landscape in silent films organised by the IUAV University of Venice.

Featured image: Senza titolo, Fondo Borgoni, anni ‘20, Archivio RI-PRESE


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia