

Stagione 2024
2 March 2024
alle 16:30

Saturday 2 March kicks off the 2024 Asolo Musica Veneto concert season at the Auditorium Lo Squero on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice, a concert hall with an extraordinary view over the Venetian lagoon. The protagonist of the inaugural concert is the Ensemble Scaramuccia with Javier Lupiáñez, baroque violin and conductor, Inés Salinas, baroque cello, and Fernando Aguado, harpsichord. The set list opens with the Violin Sonata in A major (Manuscript E.M. 65h), followed by the Violin Sonata in G minor (E.M. 65f), recently recognised by musicologist Michael Talbot as a work by Tomaso Albinoni, the Sonata Settima. Sonate da camera a violin e basso, op. II by the Venetian violinist Giovanni Reali, and the Sonata per violoncello in A major by Giorgio Gentili, among the lesser-known works by the composer and violinist, best known for his six collections of triosonatas, concertos and violin sonatas. The programme concludes with two compositions from the manuscript ‘E.M. 55’, also preserved in the Viennese Este music collection: the Sonata for violin in C major by Giuseppe Aldrovandini, an author from the Bologna area, and the Sonata for violin in A major RV829 by Antonio Vivaldi, in the presence of the musician-musicologists who identified it



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia