Bruno Catalano

23 April 2022


27 November 2022

Bruno Catalano was born in Morocco in 1960. In 1975, he and his family were forced into exile. Landed in Marseille to begin a new life, the pain of the exile lives on in his memories. Catalano worked as a sailor, then electrician, and by age 30 he met art and clay sculpture. He acquainted himself with maestros such as Rodin, Giacometti, César. He graduated from clay to bronze and began sculpting larger and larger subjects: his ‘travellers’ framed a minute before leaving home. Galleria Ravagnan was founded by Luciano Ravagnan in 1967 and today, it is run by his children Carlo and Chiara.



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia



Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia