Contemporary Odyssey

Christiane Jatahy Golden Lion of the 50th Biennale Teatro
by Chiara Sciascia

The Golden Lion at the 50th Theatre Biennale has been awarded to Christiane Jatahy, a Brasilian author and director who works on cinema, essay, theatre, installations.

The focus of her work is the world and its contradictions: Jean Renoir, Homer, Shakespeare, Chekhov, Strindberg are her sources of inspiration to question the themes that afflict humankind. Jatahy’s theatre is explicitly political and critical. It raises urgent questions, it demands answers, and gives a voice to those who are not given one. We know Jatahy from 2015, when she participated in the Theatre Biennale with the acclaimed Julia. This year, she will participate with The Lingering Now, the second chapter of saga Our Odyssey – a work on Homeric heroes fleeing war, famine, dictatorships, and tyranny.

ricci / forte present the 50th Biennale Teatro to the cry of "Rot"!


50th Theater Festival of La Biennale di Venezia


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il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia