
8f- Behind the South - ph. Marcela Gomez
Rafael Palacio and Sankofa Danzafro: Italian debut at the 18th. Dance Biennale
di Chiara Sciascia

Guided by charismatic Rafael Palacio, Afro-Colombian dance company Sankofa Danzafro will be in Italy for the first time to participate in the 2024 Venice Dance Biennale with “Behind the South: Dances for Manuel”, an homage to Colombian author Manuel Zapata Olivella (1920 –2004) that took inspiration from Zapata Olivella’s “Changó, el gran putas”, an epic novel published in 1983.

8f- Behind the South - ph. Marcela Gomez
WAVES, Cheng Tsung-lung’s interference of movements, sounds, and data


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia