
Ai Weiwei and Adriano Berengo, 2020, Venice, photo credit Edward Smith (2)
Conversation with Giandomenico Romanelli
di Giandomenico Romanelli

One of the best things to see in Venice this year is certainly Ai Weiwei’s art show at San Giorgio Maggiore. You won’t want to miss this exhibition, which opened early in September and has been produced by glassmaker Adriano Berengo and Galleria Continua.

Ai Weiwei and Adriano Berengo, 2020, Venice, photo credit Edward Smith (2)
Cor magni Canova
The Bicentennial, the Frari monument, Titian and The Assumption


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia


Ogni settimana

il meglio della programmazione culturale
di Venezia