Talking about Art

illy Art Conversations are back in Venice
by Redazione VeNews

Three conversations around themes related to the Biennale Arte 2024. The illy Art Conversations return to Venice this year at the Procuratie Vecchie in collaboration with The Home of the Human Safety Net.

A Home, a Coffee, and some Guests, nothing more ordinary. Yet, it’s precisely the perimeter of the house that marks the first boundary between “us” and “them,” between “inside” and “outside,” but above all, between what is familiar and what is strange, or rather, foreign. On this liminal space, the illy Art Conversations 2024 are launched, a series of meetings dedicated to the world of contemporary art with contributions from artists, curators, and art historians who, in the lively living room of The Human Safety Net, investigate how art can overcome linguistic and cultural barriers, encourage relationships with others, and promote social justice in a world where we are all Foreigners Everywhere, sometimes even in our own homes.

Three conversations are scheduled respectively on June 3rd, 11th, and 27th, always at 6.30 PM at the Procuratie Vecchie in Piazza San Marco. Among the guests are Michael Anastassiades, Alberto Salvadori, Massimo Bartolini and Luca Cerizza, Angela Vettese, Mehrnoosh Roshanaei, Tracey Snelling, and Farian Sabahi.

The illy Art Conversations are back in Venice, a series of meetings on art, organized this year in collaboration with The Human...

3 June 2024
alle 18:30

The illy Art Conversations are back to Venice, a series of talks on art, organized this year in collaboration with The Human Sa...

11 June 2024
alle 18:30

The illy Art Conversations are back to Venice, a series of talks on art, organized this year in collaboration with The Human Sa...

27 June 2024


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